Four dreaming freshmen in Leo’s vision grew into the preeminent fraternity at Georgetown.
The capstone came on November 11, 2019, when Sigma Chi brothers from across the nation came to our chapter installation, an unprecedented feat in such a short time. Here’s the recollection of the birth of the Mu Theta Chapter.
After fundraising thousands of dollars and many exhausting late nights, Our Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and Delta classes were rewarded with earning our Charter. This Charter certifies our status as an official Sigma Chi chapter and reinforces the values we intend to teach future generations.
Friendship: Treating your brothers like family relatives and enjoying the good times and bad times side by side and being available to help them whenever they are in need.
Justice: Enforcing and following the morals one holds to be true, preemptively calling our wrong behavior even done by your brothers to hold them accountable. Being vocal on social or political injustices even when pressured to stay quiet and indifferent.
Learning: Being inquisitive about new topics, studies, and disciplines. Learning isn’t simply earning high grades but broadening your horizons on what you’re willing to try and experience.
Our First Consul, Kyle Dudzinski with the Charter